


The Respective Concerned Person,


Dear Sir,



Ours is NGO Institution working for the benefit of the society via totally non-commercial web portal www.panjokutch.com. We all are fairly concerned about the victims and the agony caused by the Kutchi Society due to the devastating earthquake. We are constantly interacting with various people in Kutch and have posted the latest, authentic and touchy information available about the earthquake-affected areas on our site.


And awareness of our site can be understood by the fact that we received 60000 hits, 800 email and 700 calls per day. Thus Panjokutch is a pioneer in bringing about awareness of Information Technology among the literate and illiterate people. 


We are sorry to inform you that we are constantly receiving the complaints of ROBBERY prevailing in the interior of Kutch. Thereby we request Gujarat Government to take concrete steps to stop such occurrence.


Further due to constant earthquake tremors many people have migrated and other intend to do so. As a result houses are left locked and the thieves take advantage of such situation immediately.


Government may provide Siron or Signal system to alarm the people. The security arrangements and/or training villagers against such elements to avoid robbery or such happenings.


By this letter we are also making appeal to our village NGO to make necessary arrangement in consultation with government for security. The NGOs should take training from government to use such devices and system to avoid robbery. We have already informed this.

Thanking you,

 Yours truly,


(Pankaj Shah-Project Director)

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