Juwar (Devara)

Surname - Karani

Mataji's name : Karani mata or Momaya mata

The quality of things required for Karani mata's juwar is the same

respective of whether it is first or last chield (son or daughter)

Umbar Juwar

This juwar is done before Samota on Monday or Fridays.  The Samota

is also done on Monday or Fridays.

Item required

5 kg. Til (10 paati)


Take 5 kg til and make 16-16 chaldiyo.  Keep the chaldiyo on both sides

of umbar in a big dish.  Make a sathiya in the middle of the dish and

light a ghee lamp diva.  Then offer dinner to Diwali person.  One of

the family member can become a Diwali person.


Marriage mandva's Juwar (when we place Mataji)

Item required


a)    2.5 kg wheat ( 5 paati) for making shira or laapsi or ladoo

b)    2 kg wheat ( 4 paati) for mandhiyani, marakli, gloi and khaja

c)    3 kg Akha ( 6 pati) for phui along with one dress material or saree

d)    17. 5 kg. wheat (35 paati) on the marriage day make required

       quantity of shira and the rest has to be placed in front of Mataji.

       32 people have to be fed.


Surname - Shahnand

Marriage Juwar

Item required

a)    2.25 paati's laapsi

b)    2.25 paati's mandhiyani - morkhadi khaja - boli

c)    1.25 paati laapsi when Mataji is placed

d)    1.25 Ghadiya's laapsi when mataji is removed

e)    Forpaternal aunty (phui) one mai jod

f)    Goyni - 32 for first child's marriage

g)    Goyni - 16 for second child's marriage

h)    Goyni - 8 for each remaining child's marriage